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Conscious Future

Our Conscious Eye On
- Vila Foz

Conscious Hotel

Conscious Eye Vila Foz 01
Conscious Eye Vila Foz 02


Porto, Portugal


Miguel Cardoso

Interior Design 

Nini Andrade Silva

Nearest Train Station

Sāo Bento Railway Station


Biosphere Certification

At Vila Foz Hotel & Spa, a traditional Portuguese manor house overlooking the Atlantic outside of Porto, sustainable tourism and environmental balance are at the heart of the hotel’s goals.

Solar panels heat the water used throughout the hotel, and plastic is reduced as much as possible in favor of sustainably-packaged products. The restaurant works with local suppliers to reduce food miles, and work with the freshest and highest quality produce. With its Biosphere Certification, the hotel is continually improving its targets in a comprehensive and holistic manner.



Preservation of cultural heritage is one of the main values of the hotel. In addition, so too is the conservation of surrounding trees, such as the Metrosideros in the garden area.



Energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs are used in all facilities, with sensors and energy saving technology. Solar panels are used to heat water.



Rooms are equipped with water flow reducers. Green spaces are watered using a controlled drip irrigation system. Guests are informed about the responsible use of water resources.



Vila Foz Hotel promotes information about the area for visitors, using digital media to share and publish events in the region. They also participate in projects that contribute to the local economy and social environment through solidarity actions.



Lifestyle content and regular events are published on the hotel’s blog and social media pages. Food and wine experiences, sports, and activities to participate in are also communicated online and in person.



Customers are encouraged to travel by sustainable transportation such as bus or train. Bicycles are also offered for use during their stay.


Healthy Workplace

Vila Foz offers education programs to develop the hospitality skills and opportunities of staff, ensures equal payment and equal leadership for all sexes, and offers a supportive racial and gender diverse workplace.


Measure & Communication

Regular training and drills from specialized companies occurs regularly. Counselling is also offered for staff when needed.

Learn about our conscious principles

We spoke with the team of Vila Foz to find out where the hotel is at with its conscious journey.

What is your sustainability philosophy?

Since the beginning, Vila Foz has improved our services so that our commitment to sustainability is reflected in what we can offer our guests. Reducing plastic and food waste, using glass water bottles and energy efficient appliances, and using solar panels are just some of our daily sustainability practices.

How do you forge a connection to the local community and cultural surroundings?

By promoting information about the destination, events, and other points of interest in the region. By using local companies for tours and services, and buying directly from local producers—to contribute to the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint associated with food transportation. We also grow our own organic vegetables and herbs in our surrounding gardens, and join regular community projects.

What do you see as the biggest sustainability hurdle for hotels? How are you combating that?

Perhaps the costs related to some of the practices. As an example, we’re a new property, and we’ve committed to some of the most innovative energy-efficient equipment. Which is 100% necessary, however it’s not inexpensive.

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