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Conscious Future

Our Conscious Eye On
- Kruisherenhotel Maastricht

Conscious Hotel

Sustainable Hotel Inhabit A
Sustainable Hotel Inhabit B


Maastricht, Netherlands

Nearest train station

Centraal Station Maastricht


SATIJNplus Architecten

The Originals

Vos Interior


Green Key

Behind a stunning Gothic façade in the heart of Maastricht, the family-owned Kruisherenhotel Maastricht is dedicated to making a positive impact on its environment and community. The hotel’s conscious journey starts from the beginning, when the Oostwegel family decided to maintain an original 15th-century monastery rather than start anew. Two decades later, Kruisherenhotel Maastricht is expanding into a neighboring early-20th-century structure and constructing a new building that will provide energy from sustainable sources to the historical spaces. Benefitting from the eco-conscious location of Maastricht, guests can easily arrive and explore by train, electric car-sharing, and bicycle. Products are sourced locally, including herbs grown in the hotel’s own garden and the house wine made at its sister property’s award-winning vineyard. As such, the hotel does not need to import 22,000 bottles of wine from France or Italy each year.



Set inside a 15th-century monastery, the hotel has been sustainable from the outset. The additional new structures are designed to be sustainable with renewable energy sources and green spaces built into the plan.



Kruisherenhotel Maastricht separates waste and recycles. The hotel chooses efficient fixtures and appliances.



LED lights and an intelligent climate system are used. Whenever possible, the hotel chooses to purchase energy-efficient appliances.



As the tap water is some of the cleanest in Europe, the hotel invites guests to drink water that runs from the tap. Water-efficient fixtures and appliances are used.


Products & Produce

The hotel is in close contact with its local producers. The house wine is made by a famous local winemaker using the grapes that grow at the hotel’s sister property.



The hotel hosts cultural events such as art talks with the nearby Academy of Arts and the acclaimed Bonnefanten museum.



City walks and running tours are offered by a staff member. The hotel has created a map that encourages guests to explore local establishments by bike or on foot.


Healthy Workplace

The hotel’s “Talent Factory” is structured to encourage employees to learn and grow. There are career development tracks, educational programs and workshops, and more.



The hotel is easily accessible by train and offers three charging stations for guests arriving by electric car. While in town, guests can rent a bike from the hotel.

Learn about our Conscious Hotel Principles

We spoke with Camille Oostwegel, the Original behind Kruisherenhotel Maastricht, to learn the latest on the hotel's conscious journey.


What is your sustainability philosophy?

We were a sustainable company before “sustainability” was a word, so to speak, as we work with historical buildings that are ready to be demolished. We have committed to a variety of initiatives that enable communal and environmental best practices. I also think a family business is fundamentally sustainable as you pass something on to the next generation. We want to leave something better than how we found it.


How do you forge a connection to the local community and cultural surroundings?

We hold an important place in the community because we have restored landmark buildings and turned them into hotels and restaurants that locals can also enjoy. I am a founding member of the Maas Cleanup to prevent plastic waste and protect our most important river.


What do you see as the biggest sustainability hurdle for hotels? How are you combating that?

It’s hard to get our suppliers to use sustainable packaging or no packaging at all. This is an ongoing conversation. Additionally, as we work with monumental buildings, sometimes the institutions don’t allow us to make certain changes. We were not able to put solar panels on the roof, but we are able to choose energy-efficient appliances, for example. So we work to find the balance between the local requirements and finding quality products that are as efficient as possible.

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Kruisherenhotel Maastricht

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